Stage 4
For all information regarding transationing to The Ponds High School into Year 7, please download the Year 7 2025 Information Booklet.
Stage 4 Staffing Information
- Stage 4 Head Teacher: Lisa Perry
- Year 7 Advisers: Harneet Buttar, Amie Elliott, Nicholas Macfarlane
- Year 8 Advisers: Danielle Sutton, Elise Hunt and Matthew Boileau
Stage 4 Assessment Handbooks and Calendars
Stage 4 Assessment Handbook - this handbook contains assessment procedures, assessment schedules for Year 7 and 8 courses and assessment forms.
Year 7 Assessment Calendar - this calendar contains the approximate dates for all courses in Year 7. Students should print this calendar.
Year 8 Assessment Calendar - this calendar contains the approximate dates for all courses in Year 8. Students should print this calendar.
Assessment Forms
The Ponds High School has procedures in place in which to support students when there is a genuine cause that impacts their ability to meet assessment requirements. The procedures involve the student completing and submitting the relevant form available on the Assessment and Reporting section of the school's website. These assessment forms are for use by students in all grades and courses at The Ponds High School.
Extended Leave Forms
Once a Request for Leave Application has been approved by the Principal, a copy of that application should be attached to this form and taken to class teachers and head teachers to complete. Please note:
- The Request for Leave Application is only available as a hard copy form to be collected from the Office during office hours
- These forms must be completed at least 10 days prior to leave being taken
- Leave should not be taken when there are assessments due, otherwise zero marks may be awarded
- The Principal may not approve leave.
Extended Leave Application - Form for Students
Extended Leave Application - Form for Parents
Leave Assessment Form
Certificate for Extended Travel