The Ponds High School

Inspired Learning

Telephone02 9626 3562

The Ponds High School Gazette - Issue 3 2024


The Ponds High School Gazette - Issue 3 2024

The Ponds High School Gazette is a student driven, managed, and written publication released several times per term during the school year. The Chief Editor leads the team as they decide on themes for each issue and consider what is important to report on at the time of publication. 

The Ponds High School Gazette team, made up of students from across the school, applies their journalistic vision to  capture events from the school calendar, student led initiatives, and advice around studying, growing up, and even the best television shows to watch during the school holidays! Students write and co-write articles, conduct interviews of their peers and teachers, connect with past students and capture student responses to school events. The team also manages the incoming copy and creates an eye catching layout resulting in a polished every issue.

The Ponds High School Gazette gives the student body a voice and develops a sense of community. Issues are released in both soft and hardcopy for ease of access.

Please download the current issue of The Ponds High School Gazette here.